Deadly Florida Tornado Damage Photos
These few stock images below are only a small sample. Hundreds of additional stock photos
available for immediate licensing from Ultimate Chase Inc's sister site
Central Florida Tornado Disaster - February 2nd, 2007
Photos from Lady Lake, The Villages, Paisley, and Lake Mack Florida
Solid steel beam from a mobile home completely wrapped around an Oak tree
Mattress hanging from the remains of an Oak tree
Complete destruction
Residents looking for valuables in destruction
Residents working together to retrieve valuables from destruction
Solid steel beam from a mobile home completely wrapped around an Oak tree
Vehicle wrapped up in power lines
a bath tub lies amongst a field of scattered debris
Destroyed truck and shredded trees
Destroyed Home
Destroyed Mobile Home
Destroyed Home
Destroyed Home
The tornado carried this vehicle from 2 blocks away !
Trash can impaled into tree trunk
Completely destroyed house
Uprooted tree
Destroyed Home
Pastor Larry Lynn gives church service while standing on demolished church
 Florida Governor Charlie Crist and pastor Larry Lynn standing in front of demolished church
Florida Governor Charlie Crist visits Lady Lake church
Florida Governor Charlie Crist visits Lady Lake church
Florida Governor Charlie Crist visits Lady Lake church
Pastor Larry Lynn gives church service while standing on demolished church
 Pastor Larry Lynn gives church service while standing on demolished church
Pastor Larry Lynn gives church service while standing on demolished church
Large tree trucks snapped like tooth picks
Van thrown into a forest area
Large tree trunks snapped like tooth picks
A snapped Palm Tree
Children's teddy bear among tornado debris
Palm trees pounded down to the ground from the intense winds
Destroyed house and large tree stripped of all its bark
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Florida Tornado Damage stock photos are copyrighted and protected under United States and International
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  without prior permission from © Ultimate Chase, Inc.
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