Death Valley, California Stock Photos
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Death Valley in July - Temperatures reached 120 degrees during this photo shoot
East side entrance to Death Valley, California
Road leading to Death Valley where temperatures reached 120 degrees !
A dry and cracked old lake bed at Death Valley
A dry and cracked old lake bed at Death Valley
A dry and cracked old lake bed at Death Valley
Sliding rocks at Death Valley. Scientist don't know exactly how these rocks slide but the theory is when
it rains the ground becomes extremely soft and the wind blows the rocks leaving a trail in the mud
Sliding rocks at Death Valley. Scientist don't know exactly how these rocks slide but the theory is when
it rains the ground becomes extremely soft and the wind blows the rocks leaving a trail in the mud
Sliding rocks at Death Valley. Scientist don't know exactly how these rocks slide but the theory is when
it rains the ground becomes extremely soft and the wind blows the rocks leaving a trail in the mud
A dry and cracked old lake bed at Death Valley
A dried up lake bed at the lowest elevation in North America ( - 282 feet below sea level )
A dried up lake bed at the lowest elevation in North America ( - 282 feet below sea level )
Sand dunes at Death Valley
Sand dunes at Death Valley
Sand dunes at Death Valley
Sand dunes at Death Valley
Sand dunes at Death Valley
Sand dunes at Death Valley
Zabriskie's Point at Death Valley
Ubehebe Crater at Death Valley
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Death Valley California stock photos are copyrighted and protected under United States and International
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  without prior permission from © Ultimate Chase, Inc.
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